a life without makeup

It’s funny how everyone in high school knew me as someone who never wore makeup and then those in college knew me as someone who always wore makeup. It made me think, is the reason I wear so much makeup to make up for all the years I didn’t wear it? Am I trying to hide what I truly look like by putting on a mask of makeup? Or have I just not found the in between? I’ve since discovered the answer to all those questions. Makeup doesn’t define who I am nor does it hide who I am, it enhances who I am.

I’ll never forget, my sophomore year of college I decided to give up makeup for Lent. In the roman catholic tradition Lent is a time of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter. There are 40 days in lent and during that time Christians are meant to observe and replicate Jesus Christ's sacrifice and withdrawal in the desert for 40 days. With that in mind, you are to give up something for those 40 days, so I chose makeup #girlyoucrazy.

When you give up something for lent, you’re supposed to learn a lesson from it. The lesson I learned that Lent was that I am not dependent on makeup, I can live without it and people will treat me / view me the same because its not about what is on the outside but rather what is on the inside. So many of my friends commended me for doing this, some questioned and some were confused, but I am so glad I did. When Lent was over that year I went back to my normal routine of applying a full face, but I didn’t feel like I had to do it every day, only if I wanted to.


natural makeup vs. stage makeup


sister bonding